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The Library will be closed Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Have a great long weekend!

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Board of Trustees

Board Members are Elected and Serve a Three-Year Term

Rich Franas

Chair (term expires 2026)


Rena Klebart

Vice-Chair (term expires 2025)


Jeanne Mikels

Secretary (term expires 2027)


Martina Koziak

Treasurer (term expires 2026)


Susan Veshi

(term expires 2027)


Susan Buehler

(term expires 2026)


Mary Chabot

(term expires 2025)

  • Board of Trustees' Bylaws

    Article I. Name and Authorization

    This organization shall be called “The Board of Trustees of the Gladys E. Kelly Public Library” (hereinafter referred to as the Board ), existing by virtue of the provisions of Chapter 78, Section 10-13, 21 of the General Laws of Massachusetts (hereinafter referred to as M.G.L.A.). The Board shall have all the powers and duties which are given to the Boards of Library Trustees by M.G.L.A., by the Charter adopted by the Town of Webster (hereinafter referred to as Town) on May 2018, by Town By-Law or by other Town meeting vote.

    Article II. Trustees

    Section 1. Number and Qualifications

    As determined by Town Charter, members of the Board shall be filled by ballot of the whole Town. No elected official shall simultaneously hold any other elected office.

    Section 2. Powers and Duties

    Per the Town Charter, the Board shall have the care, custody and management of the Public Library and all property related to the said Library. All funds of money and other property that the Town may receive by gift or bequest for the purpose of library support, development, or maintenance shall be administered by the Board in accordance with the terms of such gift or bequest. The Board shall have all of the other powers and duties which are given to Boards of Library Trustees by general law, by Town Charter, by By-law or by vote of Town meeting.

    Specific duties include:

    Engage in the ongoing planning process which assesses the needs of the library and the role of the library in the community; and insure that the library develops in accordance with those needs.

    Establish a written policy for the selection of library materials and the use of library materials and facilities which is in accord with the current standards of the American Library Association, as provided for by the M.G.L. A. Chapter 78. Section 33.

    Determine policy for the library and maintain written record thereof.

    Advise in the preparation of the budget and approve the final budget recommendations.

    Attend relevant meetings with Town boards and committees.

    Speak and act as an advocate for the library in the community and work to maintain positive working relationships.

    Select and make recommendations to the Town Administrator and the Board of Selectman for appointment of the library director.

    In collaboration with the Town Administrator and the Board of Selectman establish an accurate job description which clearly identifies the roles and responsibilities of the Library Director.

    Provide recommendations to the Town Administrator concerning the operations of the library and the performance of the Library Director, including review of goals and summary of the Director’s annual evaluation.

    Section 3. Committees

    The chairman shall appoint committees of one or more members each for such specific purposes as the business of the Board may require from time to time. A committee shall be considered to be discharged upon the completion of the purpose for which it was appointed and after the final report is made to the Board. All committees shall make a progress report to the Board at each of its meetings. No committee will have other than advisory power, unless by suitable action of the Board it is granted specific authorization to act.

    Section 4. Term of Office

    Per the Town Charter, the Board shall consist of seven (7) members for terms of three (3) years each, so arranged that the terms of office of as nearly an equal number of members as possible shall expire each year.

    Section 5. Resignations

    Any member of the Board may resign by written notice filed with the Town Clerk, as provided by M.G.L.A. Chapter 41, section 109.

    Any member who misses three meetings within a one year period (May-April) shall be encouraged to resign, unless a formal vote of the Board endorses an exception based on extenuating circumstances, such as illness or family obligations.

    Section 6. Vacancies

    In the event of a vacancy or vacancies prior to the end of the individual(s) term(s) of office, the Board shall give notice to the Board of Selectman and to the public in the manner provided in Section 7-9 of the Charter. The Board of Selectman with the remaining members of the Board shall after posting notice of the meeting as required by the Open Meeting law one (1) week prior to the date on which the vote shall be taken fill such vacancy until the next Town election by a joint vote. The votes of the total number of persons in attendance and entitled to vote shall be necessary for such election, provided that a quorum of the members of the Board of Selectman are present.

    Article III. Officers

    Section 1. Officers

    The officers of the Board shall be Chairperson, Vice-chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.

    The Chairperson, Vice-chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected by the Board at the Reorganization Meeting of the Board, following the Annual Town Election.

    The term of office shall be one year.

    Section 2. Duties of the Chairperson

    To serve as presiding member of all meetings of the Board.

    To call special meetings of the Board.

    To appoint members to standing and ad hoc committees.

    To serve ex-officio as a member of committees of the Board of Trustees.

    Section 3. Duties of the Vice-chairperson

    To perform the duties of the Chairperson of the Board at the request of the Chairperson or in the absence of the Chairperson.

    Section 4. Duties of the Secretary

    To keep a true and accurate record of all meetings of the Board and to provide the Trustees with copies of the minutes and to post the minutes as required by Town bylaws and be responsible for correspondence as directed by the Board.

    Section 5. Duties of the Treasurer

    To review the library trust funds and to be the liaison with the Town Treasurer and the Administrator in matters dealing with library finances. The Treasurer is also responsible for reviewing and signing the warrants prepared by the Director and approved by the Board.

    Article IV. Library Director and Staff

    The Board shall recommend a Library Director who shall be the executive officer of the policies of the Board and shall have charge of the administration of the library under the direction and review of the Board. The Director shall be responsible for the care and maintenance of the building and equipment; the employment and direction of the staff; the efficiency of the library’s service to the public, including communication with the general public and the promotion and support of programs offered by the library and the Friends; selection of books and other materials; and the maintenance of the library collection. The Director shall be responsible for filing required reports to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in a timely manner. The Director works with the Town Administrator and the Town Finance Board to coordinate the operation of the Library under the financial conditions contained in the annual budget of the Town and the library.

    The Director shall render and submit to the Board at each regular monthly meeting reports and recommendations of such policies and procedures, which in the opinion of the Director and the Board will improve efficiency and quality of library service.

    Article V. Collective Authority of the Trustees

    All decisions of the Board of Library Trustees are made by the Trustees as a collective body. No individual member may make decisions or act for the Trustees unless specifically authorized to do so by a vote of the Trustees.

    Except as provided for by these By Laws, the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern.

    Article VI. Meetings

    The first meeting after Town elections will be the Reorganization Meeting. At the Reorganization Meeting, the time and place of regularly scheduled meetings will be established.

    Special meetings of the Board of Library Trustees may be called by the chairperson or upon written request of three members for the transaction of business as stated in the meeting request. Notice stating the time and place of any special meeting and the purpose for which it is called shall be given each member of the Board of Library Trustees at least seven (7) days in advance of the meeting.

    A quorum for transaction of business shall consist of four (4) members of the Board of Library Trustees.

    All meetings of the Board of Library Trustees shall be subject to the State’s Open Meeting Law, as contained in M.G. L. A. Chapter 30A, unless held in executive session in accordance with the law. A notice of all meetings (except in case of emergency) will be filed with the Town Clerk and posted at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting; and a copy of the notice will be posted on the Town website. Notice of the meeting shall include a description of all topics reasonably anticipated to be discussed. All records of minutes of meetings will be available for public inspection.

    Article VII. Amendments

    Those By-laws not governed by the provisions of Chapter 78, section 10-13, 21 of the General Laws of Massachusetts, the Town Charter, Town By-law or other Town meeting vote may be amended at any regular meeting of the Board with a quorum present, by a majority vote of the members present, provided the amendment was stated at the preceding meeting or was sent to members at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.

    ADOPTED 11/7/19 by vote of the Trustees

    Revised 6/2/2022 by vote of the Trustees

Trustee Meeting Minutes:

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