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  • Computer and Internet Use Policy


    This policy is to inform patrons of the rules and regulations for the public use of computers, Wi-Fi, and Internet at the Gladys E. Kelly Public Library (“Library”).

    Computer and Internet Use Policy Statement

    The Gladys E. Kelly Public Library makes the Internet accessible to all users. Library Staff members are available to help users navigate, identify and access resources on the Internet. The Library does not monitor nor control the content of the material accessed through the Internet and therefore cannot be held responsible for its contents. The Library does not monitor an individual’s use of the Internet, nor does the Library employ filtering software. Each individual is responsible for his or her own appropriate use of the Internet in a public place. The Library reserves the right to inform law enforcement about illegal activities taking place in the Library.

    Computer and Internet Use Policy

    The Gladys E. Kelly Public Library makes the Internet accessible to all users. Library Staff helps users navigate, identify, and access resources on the Internet. The Gladys E. Kelly Public Library does not monitor or control the content of the material accessed through the Internet and therefore cannot be held responsible for its contents. Consistent with the Library’s mission, the Library affirms the principles delineated in the American Library Association Library Bill of Rights; Free Access to Libraries for Minors; and Access to Electronic Information, Services and Networks: an interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights, of which the following are of particular importance:

    • Every individual is entitled to access material on the Internet unless material is determined to be inappropriate or illegal. This extends to minors as well as adults.
    • Electronic information, services, and networks provided directly or indirectly by the Library should be equitably accessible to all library users.
    • Libraries and librarians should not deny or limit access to electronic information because of personal beliefs or fear of confrontation.
    • Providing connections to global information, services, and networks is not the same as selecting and purchasing materials for a library collection.
    • The provision of access does not imply sponsorship or endorsement.
    • The Library is not liable for damage, loss of property, or theft of user’s equipment or devices.
    • Wireless Internet access within the Library is not secure. Use of the Internet is at the user’s own risk.

    Confidentiality and Privacy

    The Library recognizes the protection of personal privacy. The Library will keep confidential all such information that it purposefully or inadvertently collects or maintains to the fullest extent permitted by federal state and local law. It is the Library’s usual practice to erase all customer use records, except those essential for library business operations. The Library will release records, including those relating to Internet usage, as required by law or as deemed necessary by the Director of the Library or Board of Trustees.

    User Responsibility

    Users accessing the Internet acknowledge that the Library’s computer terminals are located in public areas which are shared with library users and staff of all ages, backgrounds, and sensibilities. Individuals are expected to consider this diversity and respect of others when accessing potentially offensive information or images. It is up to the discretion of Library personnel, using this policy as a guideline, to determine if the information or images are offensive to other patrons.

    In order to insure a positive library experience for everyone the Library requires that:

    • Computers are used only for lawful purposes.
    • Users observe the established computer time limits.
    • Only software installed by the library is used.
    • Users may not use library cards belonging to others to log on to, or to reserve Internet computers.
    • Users should refrain from accessing visuals that might be disruptive to others.
    • Wireless users have the responsibility to provide anti-virus protection on their personal equipment. Wireless users assume all risks in this regard. Violations may result in loss of access.

    Guidelines for Guardians of Minors

    As with other library materials, a child’s use of the Internet is the right and responsibility of that child’s legal guardian. Guardians concerned about their children’s use of electronic resources are ultimately responsible for setting standards and establishing guidelines. The Gladys E. Kelly Public Library does not intrude on that relationship, except when mandated by law.

    Created: 11/25/2021

    Adopted by the Library Trustees: 1/6/2022

  • Code of Conduct Policy


    This policy is to inform patrons of the rules and regulations for patron behavior in the Gladys E. Kelly Public Library (“Library”), and on Library grounds.

    Code of Conduct Policy Statement

    The Gladys E. Kelly Public Library strives to provide a comfortable, enjoyable, and safe environment for reading, studying, working, socializing, and enjoying Library-sponsored programs and events. The Library is responsible for establishing rules of conduct to protect the rights and safety of all Library patrons, volunteers, and staff, and for preserving and protecting the Library’s materials, equipment, facilities, and grounds. The Library’s Board of Trustees has established a Code of Conduct Policy to ensure that all patrons enjoy their Library experience.

    Code of Conduct Policy

    Any behavior that interferes with acceptable Library activities is prohibited. Individuals or groups who fail to observe the policy may be asked to leave the Library and its grounds. The Library staff reserves the right to address behavioral issues. Library Staff will intervene to stop prohibited activities and behaviors and seek police assistance if a conduct violation warrants such action.

    Behaviors Prohibited in the Library and on its Grounds

    • Violating any local, state, or federal laws.
    • Panhandling, soliciting, or loitering.
    • Carrying illegal weapons or other materials that are a threat to public safety.
    • Threatening behavior, including, but not limited to, violence, threats of violence, and possession of weapons.
    • Leaving personal possessions unattended. Personal possessions should not be left at public service points for safekeeping, nor should they be left unattended in public areas. The Library is unable to guarantee the security of such items.
    • Abusing, deliberately destroying, improperly using, or stealing Library furniture, equipment, materials, or the personal property of patrons or Staff members.
    • Deliberately disrupting Library services through harassment or inappropriate conduct that endangers public safety or health, intrudes upon other patron’s or staff’s Library experience, or disrupts Staff duties. Inappropriate conduct includes abusive or obscene language, shouting, pushing, fighting, running, stalking, engaging in sexual behaviors, sexual harassment toward patrons or staff, or photographing patrons or staff without permission.
    • Trespassing in non-public areas of the Library.
    • Creating a disturbance by making noise, talking loudly, or engaging in other disruptive conduct is not allowed (MGL, Ch. 272, Sec. 41).
    • Violating the Library’s Cell Phone and Noise, Food and Beverage, or Computer and Internet Use policies.
    • Interfering with other patrons’ use and/or enjoyment of the Library.
    • Removing Library materials from the building without properly checking them out.
    • Using the public restrooms for inappropriate activities.
    • Wearing clothing inappropriate for a public environment. Shoes and shirts must be worn at all times.
    • Sleeping or sprawling on furniture or the floor in a manner that is disturbing to Staff and other patrons. The Library Staff reserves the right to awaken sleeping patrons and require them to leave the Library if sleeping continues.
    • Using alcoholic beverages or drugs, exhibiting alcohol or drug intoxication, or selling alcoholic beverages or drugs.
    • Smoking, using tobacco products, or using e-cigarettes. Smoking and the use of tobacco products is prohibited in the Library and on Library grounds. (MGL Ch. 270, Sec. 21-22).
    • Using bicycles, inline skates, skateboards, scooters, or similar recreational equipment in the Library, or using them for recreation in parking areas or sidewalks. Bicycles may not be brought into the Library building. Bicycles must be secured in the racks outside the building and must not be left outside the entrance. The Library is not responsible for lost or stolen bicycles.
    • Bringing animals into the Library without the approval of the Library Director, with the exception of service dogs.
    • Failing to cooperate with Library staff when closing time is announced.

    Any person, who, in the opinion of the library staff, is engaging in conduct inconsistent with the orderly operation of the Library will be asked to leave. Police may be called if needed. The Library Director or, if the Library Director is unavailable, the Assistant Director, is permitted by the Board of Trustees to issue no trespass orders to any person whose behavior is threatening or violent, or who has repeatedly violated Library policy. The Library Director or Assistant Director must notify the Board of Trustees of no trespass orders as soon as possible. The Board of Trustees may also vote to issue no trespass orders directly. Individuals who receive no trespass orders may appeal these orders in writing to the Board of Trustees.

    Adopted by the Library Trustees: 2/3/22

  • Community Spaces Policy

    The Gladys E. Kelly Public Library welcomes public use of its community spaces in keeping with the Library’s mission. The Library has three main areas for public reservation and use: the Community Room, the Conference Rooms, and the Study Rooms. Other areas of the Library (i.e. Children’s Program Room) may be reserved, but permission must be granted by Library Administration. Meetings held at the Library must be free of charge and open to the general public. No fees, admission charges, collections, tuitions, sales, solicitations, stipends, or other fundraising activities are allowed by outside groups. Use of Library facilities is not for commercial purposes with the exception of Library-sponsored events. No use of the room will be allowed that is likely to disturb library patrons in their customary use of library facilities, impede staff in the performance of their duties, or endanger the building or collection. Please refer to the Library’s Code of Conduct for a complete set of building guidelines.

    The Library Board of Trustees approves the guidelines and regulations for Community Space Use. However, Library Administration may change these procedures to adapt to changing needs and circumstances. Permission from the Library Trustees is needed for approval of requests outside of these parameters.


    Community Spaces are available to non-profit, civic, cultural, charitable, interest groups, and educational groups and organizations that have a substantial connection to the Webster community and are engaged in activities consistent with the library’s mission. All meeting room use must occur during the Library's normal operating hours except for events sponsored by the Library or the Friends of the Gladys E. Kelly Public Library.

    Priorities for using the Library’s Community Spaces have been established in keeping with the Library’s mission and service goals:

    1. Library-sponsored programs and those offered by groups and organizations affiliated with the library (Friends of the Gladys E. Kelly Public Library).

    2. Town of Webster Departments and Committees.

    3. Programs presented by the Library’s community partner organizations.

    4. Non-profit neighborhood and community-based groups, civic groups, and noncommercial organizations serving the needs of the Webster community.

    5. Fee -based use by for-profit and commercial entities.

    The Gladys E. Kelly Public Library supports the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, which reaffirms these principles.

    Community Room:

    The Community Room’s primary use for outside groups is for larger not-for-profit events, trainings, workshops, and meetings. The Community Room is located on the first floor and can accommodate up to 150 people. The room has access to a projector and screen, concert lighting, staging and is attached to a pantry. Tables, chairs, microphones, and a podium are also available by request.

    Due to demand for the Community Room, groups are limited to one meeting/month. Room use is also limited to time blocks not to exceed 3 hours. Library recommends that groups book the Community Room early to ensure room availability. Reservations can be made no more than three months in advance. The Community Room is not available for private functions such as birthday parties, family events or celebrations, etc.

    When not required for the use of the Library or Library-related organizations, the Community Room may be reserved for meetings of Town boards, departments, commissions, and committees, as well as local non-profit/for-profit groups and organizations, under the following regulations:

    1. Only groups that have a substantial connection to the Webster community are able to use the Community Room.
    2. Meetings and events in the Community Room must be free and open to the public.
    3. The meeting room capacity is 150 people. The Meeting Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that no more than 150 people are at a meeting. If the Meeting Coordinator anticipates a highly trafficked event, the Webster Police Department must be notified in advance to determine if a special police detail will be needed for traffic management. Any associated cost will be paid for by the group sponsoring the meeting.
    4. An Application for Community Room Use must be completed at least 14 days in advance, and no more than three months prior to the event. We cannot accept bookings beyond the three-month period to allow flexibility in the arrangement of library programs. All applications must be approved by the Programming Coordinator prior to the date of use and are considered on a first come, first served basis. All applications are considered pending until the Programming Coordinator notifies the applicant that the room is available and the reservation is complete.
    5. No decorations, scenery, or other materials shall be affixed to the building or grounds without the express permission of the Programming Coordinator. No artwork or decorations hanging on the meeting room walls may be removed or moved. It is expected that nothing shall be left from the activity which will interfere with the operation of the library the next day. All spaces must be returned to their original condition of cleanliness.
    6. Organizations unable to use the facility on the day or time requested on the application form must inform the Programming Coordinator no later than 24 hours before the scheduled date.
    7. The Library Director and the Library Trustees reserve the right to reject any Application if it is felt that the application is not in the best interests of the Town of Webster. Any application that could be construed to be more for individual profit or benefit than community profit or benefit falls outside of this policy and will be denied.
    8. Applications for Community Room Use must be submitted by an adult (at least 21 years of age), and the responsible adult must be present at all times.
    9. A signature on the Application for Community Room Use form constitutes understanding and agreement with the Community Spaces Policy.
    10. Groups are responsible for damage to Library property and for excess cleaning expenses occasioned by a group's use of a meeting room.

    Costs for Community Room Use:


    ▪ Library affiliated or non-profit local groups, whose primary clientele are Webster residents, are not charged for use of the meeting rooms.

    ▪ Additionally, non-profit organizations whose audience may be broader, but whose official mailing address is in Webster may book the room at no cost.


    ▪ Non-profit groups whose primary clientele are NOT Webster residents are charged $35.00 per hour

    ▪ State or regional agencies are charged $50.00 per hour

    ▪ Commercial entities charged $50 per hour.

    Checks should be made out to the “Gladys E. Kelly Public Library” and hand-delivered to the Program Coordinator or Circulation Desk Staff on the day of the event.


    The Library’s logo and likeness may not be used by individuals or organizations to promote non-Library sponsored events. These individuals or organizations may use the Library’s address to advertise the event’s location instead.

    Reserving the Community Room

    The Application for Community Room Use form will require the requesting group to designate the group's responsible party and contact information, the purpose of the meeting, its time and the number of expected participants as well as other requested information. All approved reservation requests shall be subject to the terms of this policy and a group's failure to comply with such terms shall be cause to terminate a group's use of a room and to deny any subsequent request for a room reservation. The Library assumes no responsibility for the safety or theft of any private property brought on the Library premises by the group using the meeting rooms or meeting attendees. Food may be allowed in the Community Room with prior permission from Library Administration.

    Any previously approved reservation may be cancelled by the Library Director or the Programming Coordinator on reasonable notice and immediately in the case of weather or other emergency.

    Acceptance of a group’s application to use the Library Community Room is not to be considered approval of its content by the Town of Webster, the Library Board of Trustees, or Library Staff.

    Conference Rooms:

    The Conference Rooms’ primary purpose for outside groups is for small group meetings, trainings, and classes. There are two conference rooms located on the second floor of the Library. The Local History Room has a built-in TV, and an optional screen and projector. The Flex Room has an optional screen and projector. Both rooms can accommodate up to 10 people.

    The Conference Rooms may be reserved for meetings of Town boards, departments, commissions, and committees, as well as local non-profit/for-profit groups and organizations. A valid CW/MARS Library card is required to book these rooms. Room bookings may be done on the Library’s website, or by calling the Library. Food is not allowed in the Conference Rooms, but may be eaten in the Lobby.

    Study Rooms:

    The Study Rooms’ primary purpose is to facilitate small group study sessions, and to provide a private workspace for individuals or small groups. There are four individual study rooms available to all. Room capacity is 4 people. All rooms include a white board and markers, a table, and four chairs. Reservations may be made in advance or on the day of on a first-come, first-serve basis for up to two hours. Reservations may be made on the Library’s website, in-person, or by calling the Library. A valid CW/MARS Library card is required to book these rooms. Patrons forfeit their reservation if they do not arrive within 15 minutes of the time reserved. Rooms may only be used by patrons 18 years or older. Use of study rooms may be revoked if the room is not left in acceptable condition. Food is not allowed in the Study Rooms, but may be eaten in the Lobby.

    Revised 6/13/2024

  • Application for Community Room Use Form

    Click here to access the Application for Community Room Use Form: Application for Community Use Form

  • Collection Development Policy

    I. Purpose of Policy Statement

    The Collection Development Policy, approved by the Library Trustees, is one of the Library’s fundamental policy documents. It outlines the philosophies that create and shape the Gladys E. Kelly Public Library’s unique collection, the practices that maintain it over time, and the guidelines that help the collection respond to community needs while protecting the collection from societal and political pressures. The Collection Development Policy ensures that over time, the Gladys E. Kelly Public Library’s collection will remain on course, reflecting the needs of Webster’s community, while creating unique experiences of meaning and inspiration for the individual patron.

    Another purpose of the Gladys E. Kelly Public Library Collection Development Policy is to guide and assist the Library staff in the maintenance of the collection as reflected in the Library’s missions and goals. A written policy helps to answer questions posed by the public regarding the presence or absence of certain materials in the collection and helps to explain the criteria used for materials selection.

    A written materials selection procedure aids Library staff in selecting a useful, well-rounded collection of books and other materials to meet the needs of the community. Selection of a work does not necessarily imply the Library’s approval of the actions or ideas contained in that work.

    II. Selection Process & Responsibility

    To support the Library’s mission, materials are selected, organized, and made accessible in order to anticipate and meet the diverse needs of the Webster community. In this effort, we provide materials old and new, classic and ephemeral, orthodox and unorthodox in many media including print, visual, recordings and electronic media. The collection also serves the general educational interest, recreational, and entertainment needs of the public, and reflects the racial, ethnic and cultural diversity of the community. Widespread interest and usage are the most powerful influence on the Library’s collection.

    Materials for children and teenagers are intended to broaden their vision, support recreational reading, encourage and facilitate reading skills, supplement their educational needs, stimulate and widen their interests, lead to recognition and appreciation of literature and reflect the diversity of the community. The reading and viewing activity of children is ultimately the responsibility of parents, who guide and oversee their own children's development.

    For materials not available within our walls, we will utilize the CWMARS system and Inter-library loan (ILL) to borrow needed materials or answer inquiries as far as we are able.

    Final authority for the determination of the policies in this document is vested in the Library Director and under their direction, to the staff who are qualified for this activity by reason of education, training and experience.

    Suggestions from readers are welcome and are given serious consideration within the general criteria for selection. The final decision for purchase rests with the library.

    IV. Selection Criteria

    “Selection” is a term in which the Library refers to the decision that must be made when adding to, retaining, or removing material from the Library collection.

    To build a collection of merit, materials are evaluated according to one or more of the following criteria. An item need not meet all of these criteria in order to be acceptable.

    • current and anticipated needs and interests of the public
    • suitability of physical form for library use
    • evaluations in review media – this may include authoritative review journals and popular reviews from a variety of sources
    • accuracy and timeliness of content
    • author’s, artist’s, or publisher’s qualifications and/or reputation
    • contribution of a work to the diversity of breadth of the collection and its relation to other materials on the subject
    • representation of unique or controversial points of view
    • receipt of, or nomination for, major awards or prizes, or inclusion of the title in standard bibliographies or indexes
    • quality of productions
    • requests by the public
    • present and potential relevance to community needs
    • insight into human and social conditions
    • affordability

    Purchase of those materials that meet one or more of the above criteria may be limited due to budget constraints.

    V. Specific Criteria

    Scope of the Adult Collection

    Adult books are selected according to a variety of criteria in addition to demand or need. The library does not typically add abridged versions of books to the collection. Price, accuracy, and timeliness are other factors influencing selection. The library does not commonly purchase out-of-print material for the collection. No attempt is made to purchase all the works by a certain author.

    Scope of the Children’s Collection

    Children’s books and other materials expressly purchased for children are selected to meet the informational and recreational needs of children from infancy through grade eight. Books are included which serve children of all abilities and reading levels. Criteria for book selection include literary and artistic worth, accuracy, suitability of content and vocabulary to the age of the readers and the contribution of the book to the balance of the total collection.

    Scope of the Young Adult Collection

    The library collects materials for youth ages 13-18 for its specialized Young Adult collection. This collection in this area consists primarily of popular fiction, a small collection of popular non-fiction, audio and visual recordings, and selected circulating magazines.

    Scope of the Online Collection

    • eMaterials are selected by the CWMARS system to provide a virtual collection of resources that is accessible twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The eBook collection is mainly comprised popular, new release and high interest titles.
    • Electronic databases are selected according to the content that is needed to provide information for the public and the library staff. Databases may be purchased to replace printed materials in the reference collection if electronic access to the information improves the quality of materials and is electronically accessible to all library users.

    Scope of the Media Collections

    • Audio recordings – the library collects a wide range of musical and non-musical recordings including foreign language instruction, literature, a variety of musical styles and more. As technology changes, the library will acquire audio recordings in the prevailing formats.
    • Visual media – popular feature films, foreign films, documentaries, instructional videos and other visual media are added to the library’s collection in a manner consistent with patron demand and budget constraints. As technology changes, the library will acquire visual media in the prevailing formats.

    Scope of Other Collections

    • Newspapers – the library attempts to provide a variety of representation from different new sources.
    • Periodicals – the library has a collection of circulating magazines that are focused on recreational use. Magazines are chosen for the circulating collection based on patron requests, interest in a subject as demonstrated in book circulation, and magazine reviews. Through the online periodical databases provided by CWMARS, Gladys E. Kelly Public Library patrons have computer access to thousands of full-text magazines.

    Patrons and members of the community may suggest materials to add to the collection.

    VI. Collection Management

    The Library’s collection is a living, changing entity. As items are added, others are reviewed for their ongoing value and sometimes withdrawn from the collection. Great care is taken to retain or replace items that have enduring value to the community. Decisions are influenced by patterns of use, the capacity of the Library and the holdings of other libraries that may specialize in a given subject matter. Staff review the collection regularly to maintain its vitality and usefulness to the community. It is common for libraries to weed 5 to 10% of their collection annually.

    Criteria for Weeding and Withdrawal

    The following criteria are used in selecting materials for withdrawal:

    • Damage or poor condition

    • No longer relevant to the needs and interest of the community

    • Infrequent use and lack of demand

    • No longer accurate

    • Availability elsewhere including other libraries and online

    VII. Replacement

    Books and other materials that are lost or damaged will be assessed for their relevancy to the collection. Efforts are made to replace important titles, but replacements are dependent on budgetary restrictions. If satisfactory reprint or paperback editions of titles to be replaced exist, these may be preferred to the more expensive trade editions.


    The Library respects the freedom of information for its users and adheres to the principles expressed in the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights and Freedom to Read and Freedom to View statements. The Library’s goal is to offer a diversity of ideas and opinions including those which may be unorthodox or controversial. The Library opposes any attempts by individuals or groups to censor items in its collection. Responsibility for the reading choices of minors rests with their legal guardians. Selection of adult material will not be restricted by the possibility that these items may come into the possession of children nor does the Library use any system of coding, rating or labeling to identify or segregate materials for purposes of censorship. The Library recognizes that many materials are controversial and that any given item may offend some. Only individuals can determine what is most appropriate for their needs and can define what material or information is consistent with their personal or family values. Individuals can apply those values to the use of library materials only for themselves.

    IX. Requests for Reconsideration

    The Gladys E. Kelly Public Library selects material using established criteria and full consideration of the varying age groups and backgrounds of customers. Requests for removal of items from the collection may be made by submitting a Request for Reconsideration Form to the Board of Trustees. All decisions made by the Board of Trustees are final.

    Approved by the Library Trustees: 2/25/2021

  • Exhibit Policy


    This policy is to inform artists and groups wishing to show their work(s) at the Gladys E. Kelly Public Library of the rules and regulations regarding exhibits.

    Exhibits Policy Statement:

    The Gladys E. Kelly Public Library welcomes the community to use the various display and exhibit areas in the building with preference given to Webster residents and Webster based organizations. Space is provided for displays of an educational, cultural, intellectual, charitable or recreational nature for exhibiting works of area artists and craftspeople. This space is made available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use. These display areas may also be used for materials from the Library’s collection or to publicize Library services or activities.

    Exhibit Policy:

    The Gladys E. Kelly Public Library welcomes artists and groups to use available Library exhibit space to show their work. Permission given to a group to use the Gladys E. Kelly Public Library facilities does not in any way constitute or imply endorsement of its beliefs, policies or programs by any library official, the Board of Trustees, or the Town of Webster. The Gladys E. Kelly Public Library reserves the right to determine at its sole discretion what materials will be displayed as well as scheduling, duration, and assignment of display spaces. The Library has the right to review the materials in advance. The Library’s decision on what will be displayed in its exhibit spaces shall be final. The Exhibitor assumes responsibility for the setting up and breaking down of all displays.


    • The Artist may consider making a donation to the Library.


    • All items exhibited are done so at the owner’s risk. The Library assumes no responsibility for security against theft or damage of any displayed material. Exhibitors, who must sign a release form to this effect, are asked to check their own insurance policies regarding theft or damage. The exhibitor is responsible for installing and labeling the exhibit on the agreed upon date.
    • Publicity will be created by Library Staff and shared with the artist. The artist is responsible for sharing publicity with their network.
    • All displays/exhibits must be set up and removed with as little interference as possible to the daily operations of the Library. Once the exhibit is installed, changes may only be made with prior Library approval.
    • The exhibitor must be identified by name within the display.
    • Groups using display spaces may not charge an admission fee, request donations or display prices on their work. A price list may be posted in the binder provided.
    • Exhibit material sold during the exhibit may not be removed before the end of the exhibit.
    • The exhibit areas are open to the public only during the open hours of the Library, and when the exhibit area is not in use.
    • Damages to the premises, equipment or furnishings as a result of exhibitor use will be charged to the individual or organization responsible.
    • The exhibitor shall remove the exhibit promptly on the agreed upon date, by the end of the Library’s working day.
    • The Library has the right to remove exhibit materials if they aren’t picked up by the agreed upon date. The Library is not responsible for any damages to exhibit materials as they are being removed.
    • Artists may display their works once per calendar year or at the discretion of the Exhibit Committee.
    • All payments are to be made directly to the artist.
    • Opening receptions and Meet and Greet events are optional, any food and/or
      nonalcoholic beverages served will be the responsibility of the Artist.


    Displays should be appropriate in scale, material, form and content for the Library environment. The Library discourages material containing images that include elements of a discriminatory nature, or sexually explicit/violent content. The Library does not accept exhibits or displays of a purely commercial nature. Materials advocating a candidate or ballot proposition may not be exhibited. The Library reserves the right to remove any item from an exhibition or display on the above grounds or if the exhibition is a possible safety hazard, is too large or otherwise inappropriate for the space provided, creates a maintenance problem, exceeds acceptable noise and light levels, or interferes with the public services or other activities in adjacent Library areas. If the exhibit contains elements that may be of concern under this policy, the exhibitor should discuss it with the Exhibit Committee representative in advance of the installation date.


    The Library endeavors to present a broad spectrum of opinion and viewpoints. The Library does not endorse content nor imply agreement or disagreement with beliefs or viewpoints expressed in the exhibits or displays. The Library does not accept responsibility for ensuring that all points of view are represented in any single day. Artworks must be original works of the applicant. Only artwork reviewed in the application may be exhibited. Any misrepresentation of artwork from the application may result in denial of exhibition. By submitting an application, artists grant the Library the right to use or publish images of their work in both print and online publicity.

    Application Procedure:

    1.The Artist/Organization must fill out the Exhibit Application Form. A written proposal for an exhibition, accompanied by the completed application form, must be submitted to the Adult Services Librarian for consideration. The proposal must state clearly the theme of the exhibit, its content, the design of the display including physical dimensions, and how the display can be placed specifically in the space available. Please visit the Library’s website to print out an application or you may pick one up in person at the Circulation Desk.

    2. Priority is determined on a first come, first served basis. The Committee will review applications on a rolling basis.

    3. The Exhibit Committee will review the application and the works to be displayed. Applications may take up to three weeks to be reviewed.

    4. If an exhibit is selected, a member of the committee will contact the artist/organization with the display availability. The Committee will provide a list of hanging materials available and a list of further information and details.

    Created: 11/30/21

    Approved by the Board of Trustees: 8/11/22

    Amended: 6/6/23, 12/12/24

  • Exhibit Application Form

    Click here to access the Exhibit Application Form: Exhibit Application Form.

  • Gifts & Donations Policy

    To make a donation to the Library, visit our Giving to the Library page.


    The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines and procedures for receipt, management, and disbursement of funds and items received by the Library as gifts and donations.

    Policy Statement

    The Library acknowledges the importance of donations and gifts to the Library’s future development and growth. In recognition of such, the Library welcomes donations and gifts of cash, securities, materials, furnishings or property. These gifts help enrich and improve the Library’s resources. This policy provides guidance when individuals, community groups, and businesses wish to make donations to the Gladys E. Kelly Public Library.

    Gifts and Donations Policy

    The Gladys E. Kelly Public Library welcomes gifts of money and materials that promote the mission of the Library. A donation to the Gladys E. Kelly Public Library helps us bring our collections to life through lectures, classes, programs, events, and more. A contribution to the Library will be used in a way that will best serve Webster community members, and to further develop the Gladys E. Kelly Public Library as a dynamic force in our community.


    Donations generally fall into three categories: Gifts & Donations, Trust Funds, and/or Art and Artifacts. A donation may be denied by the director or the Trustees, particularly if the donation does not meet standards established in current policy and/or is in conflict with the mission and vision of the Library. Donations may also be denied if the donation is not in accordance with Town policy and all applicable laws. Donations or gifts should not be used to meet State Aid requirements and should not be used to defray operating costs of the Library.

    Gifts & Donations

    This is a monetary donation made specifically for the purpose of supporting our collections, and/or to support creative and innovative ideas, programs, and services. These funds can be used to support programs and services for adults, teens, or children. For individuals wishing to donate non-monetary gifts (i.e. securities, insurance policies, real property, bequests, etc.) please contact the Director.


    1. Monetary donations under $5,000.00 will be deposited into a Director’s Fund. These funds are generally used to supplement programs, support innovative ideas, or to purchase materials or supplies for the Library.
    2. The Director’s Fund is intended to be used at the discretion of the Director. The Director will track the deposits and expenditures of the Director’s Fund and will report Director’s Fund disbursements to the Trustees. It is not required that the Director get prior approval for Director’s Fund expenditures.
    3. Monetary donations above $5,000.00 may be put into a Dedicated Gift Fund unless the donor specifies establishment of a Trust Fund. Dedicated Gift Fund donations and expenditures require approval by the Trustees. Dedicated Gift Fund balances will be reported to the Trustees on a quarterly basis.
    4. Donations or gifts for gratuitous purposes (e.g. holiday gift baskets, etc.) to any employee or officer of the library shall be made available to benefit all employees.
    5. If a gift is accepted by the Library, no restriction on the Library’s possession or use of the gift shall be in effect.

    Trust Funds

    A legacy gift has the potential to impact generations of Webster residents. By leaving the Gladys E. Kelly Public Library a gift in your will, you will provide the Library with a critical source of long-term funding. Trusts and Legacy Gifts must be approved by the Board of Trustees. In order to establish a trust, the donation should be gifts of $5,000 or higher. Trust funds may restrict the expendable income and/or principle, unless specified otherwise. Trust accounts are named and require a statement of intent by the donor. Trusts that restrict the Library's use of funds for specific programs or services are not recommended. Contact the Library Director to discuss establishing a Trust.


    1. Monetary donations above $5,000 will be considered for designation as an individual Trust Fund.
    2. Donations to be considered for Trust Fund designation will require a letter of intent from the donor specifying the use of the donation and dedicating the interest accumulated by the fund remain in trust to the Library.
    3. The Library Trustees must review and approve all Trust Fund donations and gifts. Use of Trust Account funds will require a written proposal and final approval by the Trustees. The Board of Trustees’ treasurer will provide quarterly reports on the deposits and expenditures of the Trust Accounts.
    4. Trust Funds may be used in the following ways:
      1. for improvement or expansion of the Library building or its grounds
      2. for projects that are not funded by the Town or otherwise
      3. to fund additional Staff, consultants, or interns
      4. to fund other innovative ideas as approved by the Library Trustees.
        1. The Trust Accounts cannot have restrictions that conflict with the mission of the library.
        2. Donations or gifts should not be used to defray operating costs of the library.
        3. Donations or gifts should not be used to meet State Aid requirements.

    Art and Artifacts

    Gladys E. Kelly Public Library appreciates offers to donate art or artifacts. Acceptance of art and artifact donations is at the discretion of the Library’s Board of Trustees. As space for display and storage is limited and the acquisition of art and artifacts are not primary purposes of the Library, there are conditions and considerations under which art or artifacts will be accepted.


    1. The Library gratefully accepts donations and gifts with the understanding that they become the property of the library. All non-monetary donations and gifts must receive prior approval by the Trustees or the Director before being accepted as a donation and or gift to the library.
    2. The Library cannot guarantee the duration, display, location or promotion of any donation or gift. The Director or Trustees may retain, invest, sell, reassign, or discard gifts as needed for the efficient operation of the Library.
    3. The Library is not responsible for lost, stolen, damaged or any decline in value of donations or gifts.
    4. The Library cannot return, store, or assess the value of any donation or gift.
    5. Donations or gifts should not impede the Director's or Trustee's responsibility for and control of Town property or conflict with the mission of the Library.
    6. Donations or gifts should not promote a political or religious point of view.
    7. Donations or gifts should not be physically dangerous, obscene or illegal or require special care, conservation, excess space, and insurance, maintenance, removal, or staff time.

    For Art:

    The following conditions, among others, will be considered in the decision to accept works of art and artifacts:

    1. Relation of the subject or the artist to the Library, Webster, or its environs

    2. Size, condition and media of the work

    3. Reputation of the artist

    4. Inclusion of copyright permission for the artwork

    5. Restrictions or stipulations on the disposition of the art

    6. Provenance or other documentation of the work

    For Artifacts:

    1. Relation of the artifact to the Library, Webster, or its environs

    2. Size and condition of the artifact and the medium

    3. Restrictions or stipulations on the disposition of the artifact

    4. Provenance or other documentation of the artifact

    The donor or his/her lawful agent must complete a Deed of Gift form before a gift can be accepted. Gladys E. Kelly Public Library legally cannot provide an appraisal or estimate of value on any tangible property for tax purposes. The Trustees will provide a letter acknowledging the gift and, upon request, describing the object donated for the donor’s records. Any object accepted may be kept, displayed, sold, donated, returned or discarded at the discretion of the Library Trustees. Donors should be aware that the Library does not maintain separate insurance on donated works, and that Library Staff are not trained in the conservation of art works or artifacts. Any art work or artifact donated for the purpose of sale to support the Library will be returned to the donor if it is not sold as planned.

    Donation Procedure

    Please fill out a Donation Form or a Deed of Gift form to accompany your contribution. All donations should be directed to the Director. Checks should be made payable to the Gladys E. Kelly Public Library.

    Gift Acknowledgment

    For gifts made to the Library, the following procedures apply:

    -All donations will be acknowledged by a letter from the Board of Trustees.

    -If a donor does not wish to be recognized, that wish will be honored.

    -By arrangement with the Library Director and the Board of Trustees, additional special recognition may take place for special contributions.

    This policy is effective as of the date signed and approved by the Board of Trustees and supersedes all others.

    Approved by the Trustees: May 5, 2022

    Policy Created: February 28, 2022

  • Deed of Gift Form

    Click here to access the Deed of Gift form for donations of Art & Artifacts: Deed of Gift Form

  • Donation Form

    Click here to access the Donation form for monetary donations: Donation Form

  • Lending to Residents of Decertified Libraries Policy

    As a participant in the State Aid to Public Libraries Program administered by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners, the Gladys E. Kelly Public Library must comply with requirements regarding use of its collection that are specified in Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 78, Section 19A and 19B and further defined in the Code of Massachusetts Regulations (605 CMR 4.00). The Gladys E. Kelly Public Library extends reciprocal borrowing privileges to residents of the Commonwealth who reside in communities that offer state certified library services.

    In the interests of protecting the resources purchased by Webster taxpayers, and as an incentive to neighboring communities to fairly fund their own libraries, Gladys E. Kelly Public Library regretfully declines to extend borrowing privileges to Massachusetts public libraries that are not certified, and to residents from Massachusetts communities that do not have certified libraries, except when a library is not certified because of conditions beyond the community’s control such as fire or natural disaster. Public libraries that receive waivers from the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners are considered certified. Residents of communities where the library has received a waiver will be allowed to borrow materials from the Gladys E. Kelly Public Library.

    Massachusetts General law (605 CMR 4.01) states “all residents of the Commonwealth shall have access to reading and reference rooms under the same conditions as residents of the community.” Residents of communities with decertified libraries are therefore welcome to use Gladys E. Kelly Public Library resources within the library building. However, since the study rooms require a valid Library card for use, patrons from decertified Libraries would not be able to access these rooms. Gladys E. Kelly Public Library will provide immediate reinstatement of borrowing and interlibrary loan privileges to all affected borrowers once a library is recertified.

    Approved by Board of Trustees: 6/30/2023

  • Library Card Policy


    In order to provide equitable services to the community, the Gladys E. Kelly Public Library has established a Library Card Policy, which outlines the expectations associated with becoming a cardholder and borrowing library materials.

    Gladys E. Kelly Public Library cards are free. A library card gives borrowing and computer use privileges at the Library and online, and provides access to the Library’s online resources. A Library card is required for booking a study or conference room.


    To obtain a library card, a valid photo ID (e.g., driver’s license, passport, state ID, military ID), and proof of address (e.g., current driver’s license, bill, piece of mail) are required.

    If any adult, teen, or child is unable to provide the above means of identification and address verification, the Library will mail you a Good News postcard. When you return the Good News postcard to the Library, you may use it as proof of mailing address and obtain a library card.

    A Gladys E. Kelly Public Library account allows access to material borrowing, digital resources and some library services. Some fees and account restrictions, determined by the library and the consortium, may apply.

    Library cards are renewed every two years. Patrons must visit in-person to renew their own card, unless an authorized user has been assigned. If you are unable to visit in-person, please speak to the Director or Assistant Director for assistance. Accounts cannot be renewed if the cardholder has a billed item on their account or a freeze/block in place by any library in the consortium.

    Replacement Library cards may be issued at a cost of $1.00.

    Applicants under the age of 18

    If you're over age 10, bring a photo ID and a signed Library Card Application form or a Good News Postcard sent by the Library. If an applicant is under 18 years old and cannot meet the ID and address requirements, a parent or guardian must be present to provide proof of identification and address. The child or teen must be present for a parent or legal guardian to get a library card.

    Chosen Name

    If, for any reason, you want to change the name on your card to one that is not your legal name, stop by any library desk and speak to a staff member.

    Your chosen name will appear:

    • To staff when your library card is scanned.
    • In all email communications from the library.
    • When you log into your account online.
    • In the CWMARS mobile app.
    • On hold pickup slips.

    Your legal name will be kept as a note in our records. If you have changed your legal name, just bring your updated ID or name change documents to the library and we will remove your old legal name entirely.

    Residents of Decertified Communities

    Please see the Library’s Lending to Residents of Decertified Libraries Policy.


    Library cards, card numbers and Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) are issued to individuals and should be used only by the person to whom they were issued, whether for borrowing material or using Library computers. You are responsible for all materials borrowed on your card unless you report the card lost or stolen. The cardholder is responsible for notifying the Library of any changes in contact information in their account.

    Proper identification must be presented to borrow materials and access some library services.


    Payment may be made in person at the Gladys E. Kelly Public Library by cash or check. Patrons may also pay online via a credit or debit card.

    We cannot accept payment for lost or damaged items from other libraries.


    In accordance with consortium policy, a cardholder’s borrowing privileges are automatically suspended when their fees exceed the limit ($10 as of 1/26/2024), they are billed for an item, or when their account expires. Borrowing privileges will be reinstated only when fees are brought under the limit, or all billed library items are returned or purchased.

    We accept replacements for lost or damaged items as long as they are the same IBSN as the original item.

    Repeated abuse of borrowing privileges, library materials, staff, and/or facility will result in loss and/or restriction of access to cardholder services, including but not limited to borrowing items and using digital services. Blocks or account restrictions will be issued at the discretion of the Library Director.

    Approved by the Board of Trustees 3/14/2024

  • Programing Policy


    Programming is an integral component of Library service that expands the Library’s role as a community resource, introduces patrons and non-users to Library resources, provides entertainment and opportunities for lifelong learning, expands the visibility of the Library, and brings the community together.

    Programming Policy Statement

    The Library’s philosophy of open access to information and ideas extends to Library programming. Program topics, speakers and resources are not excluded from programs because of possible controversy. Library sponsorship of a program does not constitute an endorsement of the content of the program or the views expressed by participants or speakers.

    Programming is an integral component of library services, for people of all ages and all Library programs are open to the public. Programs will be offered free of charge, except for those that serve as library fundraisers.


    In order to develop a robust, inspiring, informative, and a unique set of programs specific to the GKPL, we seek programs that offer new ideas to our patrons and community that may not be offered by other libraries, and are relevant to the community.

    To be considered a Library program, the program needs to be run, or approved by, Library staff. Room bookings done by outside organizations are not considered library programs unless stated as a partnership posted on our public calendar. In addition, the Library draws upon other community resources in developing programs and actively partners with community agencies, local businesses, organizations, educational and cultural institutions, or individuals to develop and present co-sponsored public programs. When the library initiates a partnership with an organization, the library will provide the space and publicity for the event.

    The following criteria will be considered when selecting program topics, speakers, and accompanying resources, although a program need not meet all criteria to be acceptable:

    • Expands the Library’s role as a community resource

    • Introduces patrons and non-users to Library resources

    • Provides entertainment

    • Provides opportunities for lifelong learning

    • Expands the visibility of the Library

    • Relates to library collections, resources, exhibits and programs

    • Relates to community needs and interests

    • Presents quality information by a presenter with qualifications and background

    • Provides programs based on the library’s budget

    • Provides historical or educational significance

    • Connects to other community programs, exhibitions or events

    • Availability of program space

    • Budget available

    Other Considerations

    Programs may not be used for commercial, religious or partisan purposes, or the solicitation of business.

    Program participants should expect that photographs/video will be taken at events and used on the Library’s social media sites and/or website. Participants may request that their image not be used by the library by speaking with library staff in charge of the program.

    Programs may be held on-site or off-site. The Library draws upon other community resources in developing programs and actively partners with other community agencies, organizations, educational and cultural institutions, and individuals in order to develop and present public programs.

    Ultimate responsibility for programming at the Library rests with the Library Director, who administers under the authority of the Board of Trustees. The Library Director, in turn, delegates the authority for program management to the Children’s Librarian and the Programming Coordinator, who oversee this responsibility. Library staff who present programs do so as part of their regular job and are not hired as outside contractors for programming.

    The Library seeks feedback from the community concerning programming.

    If you would like to submit a program idea or have a talent that could be utilized, please fill out the form linked here, or email the Program Coordinator.

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